Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Some go sally

from Parade Music
Some go sally on to Montreal,
Some go sally on the Hoodson,
Some trip trippingly to Gay Paris,
Some cook curry in Loondon.

Oh, the ladies they parade!
Oh, the gents they sweat!
It's all, or some, or none at all,
Or it ain't near over yet!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Singsong of Thumbs

from Parade Music

Ladies and gentlemen: the parade of days!
the music of scour and pail,
and diapering at night and dustpan work
to the rhythm of mending and failure.

Everyday is the day of slow decay
and cake reverts to crumbs
we collect to bake our cake today.
It's why we've got these thumbs.

Divine decrees with Bondo and grease
we manage to maintain.
We polish God's chains and axles and gears
rusting in God's rain.

Every stiff in this mob works the same job;
baker, mechanic, nurse.
It slips and we fix it, and the change of shift
is a traffic of pram and hearse.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Hop Scotch

from Parade Music

Terra Firma
Baleina? Sperma!
Pricks. Tricks. Nix.
Tertiary mastic,
Kanji acrostic,
dream of the

Why can't daddy pay the rent?
Popcorn, sodapop, cinders, flint.
Fancy lady, fancy shoes;
If you don't play you never lose.
Gimme silk,
Gimme satin,
Tout le'soirs
fin en matins!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Lowercase paradise

Sysco ice cream,
Imperial Soda (a lot like Moxie).
Roxy Music on a radio
(a lot like Moxie, really).
Right now without
a crimp. No new busted
transmission cooler
to cost me a bundle and set me back.
Never a slickster with the coin
of the realm; rather more of a talker
and former hothead.
Though age and advice have tempered the temper.

I'm playing pretty flat this year.
Blowing it, really, left and right.
So man, I love these small prizes,
these lowercase paradises.
This hot stoop for one:
some sun and time
to nurse this frozen
Imperial Moxie Sysco sodafloat.

Monday, April 4, 2011

A Visit to a Gallery

There's this trick I can do with my fancy schooling,
White skin and thrift-store Oxford

Ten minutes in he's pitching me Lichtenstein
A minor piece of monochrome silhouettes

We converse, briefly, on narrative art
and the graceful use of color

I know this won't sustain:I cannot game
the money bit and excuse myself