Monday, April 11, 2011

Lowercase paradise

Sysco ice cream,
Imperial Soda (a lot like Moxie).
Roxy Music on a radio
(a lot like Moxie, really).
Right now without
a crimp. No new busted
transmission cooler
to cost me a bundle and set me back.
Never a slickster with the coin
of the realm; rather more of a talker
and former hothead.
Though age and advice have tempered the temper.

I'm playing pretty flat this year.
Blowing it, really, left and right.
So man, I love these small prizes,
these lowercase paradises.
This hot stoop for one:
some sun and time
to nurse this frozen
Imperial Moxie Sysco sodafloat.


  1. I like this one, has a nice city beat.

  2. I was wondering...where the name for your blog came from...instant understanding. I share your love of Moxie and the small prizes that come from creativity.
    Well done Matthew!
